Mailing List for Supervision Groups

Trauma Supervision Groups

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I am providing supervised practice/consultation groups for Mindful-Somatic Approaches to Trauma Therapy (online)

After many requests, I am finally able to provide several supervised practice/consultation groups focusing on the theme of “mindful-somatic approaches to acute and developmental trauma.”

As part of my own personal and professional development, I spent several years meeting fortnightly in similar groups in the United States. I found them immensely helpful in my own growth as a therapist, and I’m excited to have the opportunity to provide these to those of you interested in increasing your confidence in using mindful-somatic approaches to working with acute and developmental trauma.

Current Availability:

Tuesdays 10am-12pm (fortnightly; NZ time; via Zoom online platform)
Thursdays 10am-12pm (fortnightly; NZ time; via Zoom online platform)

Pre-requisites… These groups are available to anyone who has completed either of the following:

If you haven’t attended one of my trauma trainings yet, they are being offered regularly – see here for more details

Group Structure…

Each group consists of a maximum of 4 participants; the meetings occur once fortnightly,  and they run for 2 full hours.

This 2-hour block of time is divided among the participants; so each participant typically has 30 minutes to choose between: (a) practicing as a therapist with one of the other group members being their client; (b) doing some personal exploration of any difficulties they’re having as a therapist; or (c) getting consultation for one or more clients they’re working with.

One benefit of this approach is that each member of the group has the opportunity to observe and/or participate in the other members’ sessions.

Another benefit is that since I just charge my standard hourly rate, and since these sessions are divided (typically) among 4 members, they’re more affordable than individual supervision sessions ($87.50 incl GST per member for the full 2 hours if the group contains 4 members).

There are 2 options for attending these groups: as either a committed fortnightly member, or as a substitute, filling in for the committed members whenever they’re not able to attend a session.

As a committed fortnightly member of the group, you agree to…

…attend every meeting (once fortnightly at a set day/time) for as long as you remain a member of that group. If you’re unable to attend a particular meeting, then you’re still responsible for covering your share of the cost of the missed meeting. However, you can put a request out on our email list for a substitute who could then reimburse you for the missed meeting. This strategy ensures that other members of the group won’t have their cost raised unexpectedly.

…set up automated fortnightly payments (this is really helpful, as it reduces my time spent accounting and chasing up payments, which makes it possible for me to offer these groups at this low rate).

…give a minimum of one month notice when you would like to stop being a committed member.

As a substitute…

If you’d like to attend these groups, but are unable to commit to fortnightly meetings, then simply subscribe to the mailing list (the subscription form is below), and you’ll be notified whenever any of the committed group members need a substitute. You would most likely be asked to reimburse them directly to cover their share of the cost for that meeting ($87.50 NZD).

*Please register and subscribe to the mailing list (use the form at the top of the page), whether you would like to be a committed group member or a substitute.

Contact me if you have any questions